1: Plaintext or any text information viewable from your browser can be easily copied like any other text from any other file. 
2; HTML and web scripts - you will need to view the web page's source code. In the page's source code, copying the <script> and </script> tags as well as all the information in-between these tags will usually enable the script to work on your web page. 
3: Images, sounds, or movies - Almost all images, sounds, and movies can be copied to your computer and then viewed on your webpage. Images can be easily copied from a webpage by right-clicking an image and selecting "Save Picture as" or "Save Image as". Unless the sound or movies file has a direct link to download and save the file to a specified location on your hard disk drive or to view your Internet browser's cache and locate the sound or movie file saved in the cache. 
4. Embedded objects - Looking at the source code of the object to determine the name of the file and how it is loaded, and copy both the code and the file.
How do I specify a specific combination of frames instead of the default document?
This is unfortunately not possible. When you navigate through a site using frames, the URL will not change as the documents in the individual frames change. This means that there is no way to indicate the combination of documents that make up the current state of the frameset. 
The author can provide multiple frameset documents, one for each combination of frame content. These frameset documents can be generated automatically, perhaps being created on the fly by a CGI program. Rather than linking to individual content documents, the author can link to these separate frameset documents using TARGET="_top". Thus, the URL of the current frameset document will always specify the combination of frames being displayed, which allows links, bookmarks, etc. to function normally.