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Ques 1 :
If you wanted to create text that was a different color or font than other text in your Web page, what type of tag would you use?
(A) Layout
(B) Basic formatting
(C) Design
(D) Outline
Ques 2 :
Each list item in an ordered or unordered list has which tag?
(A) list tag
(B) ls tag
(C) li tag
(D) ol tag
Ques 3 :
What is the REFRESH meta tag used for ?
(A) rewrite url
(B) Redirect to a new domain
(C) Refresh your content
(D) null
Ques 4 :
How do you add a background color for all <h1> elements?
(A) all.h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF}
(B) h1 {background-color:#FFFFFF}
(C) h1.all {background-color:#FFFFFF}
Ques 5 :
Which format usually works best for photos ?
Ques 6 :
How do you change the text color of an element?
(A) fgcolor:
(B) color:
(C) text-color:
(D) text-color=
Ques 7 :
<a> and </a> are the tags used for ?
(A) Aligning text
(B) Audio-voiced text
(C) Adding links to your page
Ques 8 :
Which of the following tags below are used for a multi-line text input control?
(A) textarea tag
(B) textml tag
(C) text tag
(D) Both b and c above
Ques 9 :
What does the GENERATOR meta tag tell ?
(A) Who designed the page
(B) Which program was used to produce the page
(C) What type of server your page is on
Ques 10 :
< meta > tags always goes inside the < head > element.
(A) False
(B) True
Ques 11 :
Which CSS property controls the text size?
(A) text-size
(B) text-style
(C) font-size
(D) font-style
Ques 12 :
When creating a Web document, what format is used to express an image's height and width?
(A) Centimeters
(B) Pixels
(C) Dots per inch
(D) Inches
Ques 13 :
Use<td> and </td>to add what to your tables?
(A) columns
(B) rows
(C) steps
Ques 14 :
How do you display hyperlinks without an underline?
(A) a {underline:none}
(B) a {text-decoration:no underline}
(C) a {text-decoration:none}
(D) a {decoration:no underline}
Ques 15 :
Which of the following attributes below are used for a font name?
(A) fontname
(B) fn
(C) font
(D) face
Ques 16 :
Is width="100" and width="100%" the same?
(A) No
(B) Yes
Ques 17 :
What is the REFRESH meta tag used for ?
(A) Refresh your keywords
(B) Redirect to a new domain
(C) Allow search engines to relist your page
Ques 18 :
How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter?
(A) You can't do that with CSS
(B) text-transform:uppercase
(C) text-transform:capitalize
Ques 19 :
What are <div> tags used for?
(A) To replace paragraphs. i.e. p tags
(B) To provide space between tables
(C) To logically divide the paragraphs
(D) To logically divide the document
Ques 20 :
Screen colors are defined by which colors ?
(A) Green, Blue, and Yellow
(B) Crayola Colors
(C) Red, Green and Blue
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