HTML Interviews
HTML Interview
To write bulleted point, use <li> under <ul> like following. 
        <li>Point 1</li> 
        <li>Point 2</li> 
        <li>Point 3</li> 
In this case Point 1, Point 2 and Point 3 will appear as bulleted point.

To display numbered list, use <li> under <ol> tag like below 
     <li>Point 1</li>
     <li>Point 2</li>
To create a dropdown list box in HTML, write following code 
  <select name="drop1" id="drop1"> 
<option value="1">item 1</option> 
<option value="2">item 2</option> 
<option value="0">All</option> 
This will create a dropdown with two list item "item 1" and "item 2".
To create a list box, write following code
<select name="drop1" id="Select1" size="4" multiple="multiple">
    <option value="1">item 1</option>
    <option value="2">item 2</option>
    <option value="3">item 3</option>
    <option value="4">item 4</option>
    <option value="0">All</option>
This will create a listbox with 5 items. As multiple attribute value is specified as ="multiple" so it gives ability to select more than one item from the box by holding ctrl key or by dragging through items from the mouse.
No, <table> tag is made for rendering the data in tabular format not to design the layout of the webpage, however this is massively used for the designer because its easy to use. 
To design the layout we should use <div> and/or <span> along with css classes.
What is the code to write bulleted and numbered list in HTML.
Posted by: Poster
To write bulleted list in the HTML, write following code: 
  <li>fdasfadsf asdf</li>
To write numbered list in the HTML, write following code: 
  <li>fdasfadsf asdf</li>
Notice the difference is only <ul> and <ol>. In the bulleted list, we need to use <ul> tag and in the numbered list we need to use <ol> tag.
Doctype defines as "document type declaration" (DTD). All HTML pages should contain a declaration to define which HTML version we are using in our page. it gives important instruction to web browser about page's HTML version type. It also allows web validator to check the syntax of page.